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The Effect of Dioscorea Hispida Denns in Accelerating the Healing of Diabetic Ulcers in Work Area of Health Center, Mamuju District Indonesia

Diabetic ulcers are open sores on the skin surface due to blockages in blood vessels in the legs
and peripheral neuropathy due to high blood sugar levels. Dioscorea Hispida Dennst are one
of the traditional plants that are widely used for healing diabetic ulcer. The purpose of this
study was to determine the effect of dioscorea hispida dennst in accelerating the healing
process of diabetic ulcers in working area of health center of mamuju. The research method
and design used in this study is a quasi experiment with a pre-post test with control group
design. In this study using a NaCl 0.9% treatments and dioscorea hispida dennst treatments.
The average length of wound on day 21 by using dioscorea hispida dennst: 64.29 while using
NaCl 0.9% is 8.5 with p value 0.012. Average wound width using dioscorea hispida dennst:
61.80, wound width using NaCl 0.9% is 4.8 with p value 0.000. The average wound depth
with dioscorea hispida dennst is 76.89, while with NaCl 0.9% is 0.000 with p value 0.000.
Based on the results of this study it can be concluded that the dioscorea hispida dennst are
more effective in accelerating the healing of diabetic ulcers compared with 0.9% NaCl. It is
hoped that the community will use dioscorea hispida dennst in healing diabetic ulcers.
Imelda appulembang - Personal Name
Hasir - Personal Name
Ahmady - Personal Name
Anwar Mallongi - Personal Name
Interciencia Jounal